Saturday, January 10, 2009

WANTED: Advice From You

For the past couple of years I have enjoyed getting the American Girl magazine. Sadly, I recently noticed it doesn't seem as interesting and exciting as it used to be when I was younger. Also, sadly Disney has taken over American Girl, so it is slowly getting that "magical" touch...something that is a little too "Disneyfied" for me.

Does anyone know of any good, wholesome magazines put out for young ladies? There's got to be some out there somewhere, although I have never seen any before. I really enjoy getting magazines in the mail (Above Rubies and Better Homes and Gardens are some of my favorites!), and getting one specifically for young ladies would be a great encouragement. Thanks for the help!

Ever grateful,


Grace said...

I think I remember hearing something about No Greater Joy recently coming out with a magazine for young women. I'll keep my eyes open for anything else and let you know if I hear of something.


Gabrielle Joy said...

I heard that AG is also giving money toward sodomite causes so I no longer look at their magazines!

Karen said...

Have you seen the Girlhood Home Companion?

Anonymous said...

Hey Serenity,
When I first read this post, I didn't have any magazine suggestions for you, but I just heard of one today! It's called Bloom magazine and the blog is It is a free, quarterly paper magazine that comes to your mailbox. On their sidebar, they say to e-mail them to subscribe. I just signed up for my sisters and I and can't wait to receive it!


Miss Serenity said...

Kayla - I just signed myself up to recieve the Bloom! magazine. Thanks so much for letting me know about it!!

Karen - No, I had never heard of the Girlhood Home Companion until just now. Thanks for the link! I haven't subscribed yet, but plan on doing so soon. Thanks again!

Grace - Thanks for being on the look out. I'll have to check out their website to see if they have anything about the magazine there. If they do, I'll be sure to subscribe!

I'll have to write a back-up post when I recieve all my new magazines. Thanks again to all who suggested!


Anonymous said...

Hi Serenity! I am so sorry but I had already drew the name.:( But don't worry if you keep checking back I am going to do another giveaway after a while! I found you blog through Julias Journal I think. A magazine I like to read is Encouraging Word. Have you heard of that one? They are really good.