Thursday, January 29, 2009

APH Winter Bundle - Week 5

Miss Jocelyn is giving away another package of lovely things! You want to know what I'm hoping to win? The A Pondering Heart Boutique Graphics! My dad has recently downloaded onto our computer, so I could really make my own, but I really like what Miss Jocelyn designs. And since she has so much experience, she most likely could do a much better job than me! This week's prizes are as following...

So sorry I haven't followed through on posting them every Tuesday, but this week I've just not been feeling well. I've got a pretty bad cold, and since I have asthma and get pneumonia easily while having a cold, I've had to keep up on breathing treatments to keep my breathing normal, and to hopefully keep that pneumonia out. Hopefully I'll be fine, and be better by next week!

Your Sickie Friend,

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