call it a type of plesiosaurus.

Off the coast of New Zealand, a Japanese fishing crew hauled an odd catch in their nets in 1977. The giant carcass was 30 feet long and weighed about 4,000 pounds. To avoid spoiling their fish catch, the men had to dump it back in the ocean, but not before a zoologist on board made notes on the animal. Its long neck, flippers and other details were still intact enough to suggest it was some

Is there really a Loch Ness monster?
In the highlands of northern Scotland, people have reported a gigantic swimming "beastie" for the last 1,400 years. Some 3,000 sightings and even some vague photos seem to bear a resemblance to the plesiosaur of dinosaur times. Nessie is said to be 20 feet long with a serpent-like neck and fat body with flippers on the sides. There may be a whole family of them living in some dark submarine cavern.
Scientist Sighting More Convincing?
Natural History magazine reports the 1905 sighting by two expert naturalists aboard the private yacht Valhalla off the coast of Brazil. One wrote:
I saw a large fin or frill sticking out of the water, dark sea-weed-brown in
color, somewhat crinkled at the edge. It was apparently about 6 feet in
length and projected from 18 inches to 2 feet from the water. I could see,
under the water to the rear of the frill, the shape of a considerable body.
I got my field glasses on to it and almost as soon as I had them on the frill, a
great head and neck rose out of the water in front of the frill... the neck
appeared about the thickness of a slight man's body, and from 7 to 8 feet was
out of the water; head and neck were all about the same thickness. The head had
a very turtle-like appearance, as had also the eye.
From Canada's Ogopogo and Champ to lesser-known sightings in Russia and Japan, there seems to be a lot of evidence that sea serpents of one kind or another are real. Can flying reptiles still be alive?
African explorer Frank Melland kept encountering vague rumors about a much-feared animal
called Kongamato that lived in the Jiundu swamps in northwest Rhodesia,
near the Belgian Congo. When asked what it was, the natives told him it was a
bird, but more like a lizard with

What happended to the thunderbird?
The Tombstone Epitaph printed a news item on April 26, 1890, recalled by Dr. Duane Gish in his excellent book, Dinosaurs By Design. The report told how two ranchers were startled by a gigantic flying reptile with huge leathery wings, a long slim body, having claws on its feet and at the joint of its wings. They said its 8-foot-long head was like an alligator's, with a mouth full of teeth and large protruding eyes. They killed it and cut off the tip of its wing for a trophy. Could this have been the last of the legendary thunderbirds? Many American Indian tribes recall the huge size and powerful flight of this strange beast that thundered when its wings flapped.
We know animal like these really did live. The problem is that we've been programmed to think they died off with the dinosaurs millions of years ago.
Article taken from Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation by Dennis R. Petersen (2002).
Some of the font is too small that I cannot read it. Besides that- very interesting! :)
Author - Yes, I know. The little font is really in the extra large font, though! For some reason, and I cannot figure out why, it shows up teeny on my blog. :(
I believe they could and are. :) We have this book, but I haven't read the whole thing.
Font - copy the whole post, click on edit HTML and paste it in there. That should clear all formatting. You will have to re add the photos though. :)
I do believe that some 'water' dino's are still alive...
Ken Hovind (I don't know if you've heard of him) had a video on this same subject and he met with a missionary and his wife who had an encounter with a 'land' dino. It wasn't one of the lizards that are in the area, it was very different....
plus other sightings of 'water' dino's are also found...
Well, that was a long comment ;)
Thank you for sharing on this subject!
God bless,
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